Full Membership of the Waterford Branch of DSI is open to anyone with Down Syndrome and their immediate families (parents or siblings). Extended family members or friends, carers or supporters of individuals with Down Syndrome, or interested organisations may also take out Associate membership. The membership fee of €15 per year and is charged per family or individual Associate member. The branch pays a subscription to the national organisation for each member.
Become a Member
The membership form for new Full or Associate membership can be downloaded here. This can be forwarded by email to or posted directly to the secretary (see Contacts [link coming soon]). Once your membership is approved you will be contacted by post or email requesting payment of your subscription. The annual subscription for either Full or Associate Membership is €15. This can be paid by cheque or online by credit card or Paypal.
Renew Membership
A membership renewal form can be downloaded here. This should be completed and sent with your annual subscription of €15. Alternatively you can renew online by completing the online renewal form below:
Membership Type: checkbox with explanation – 1. Full Member with Down Syndrome (automatically includes parents and siblings). 2. Associate Member (extended family member or person/organisation with an interest )
Full Membership
Full membership of the Waterford Branch of DSI is open to the family (parents & siblings) of anyone with Down syndrome. They may attend and vote at branch meetings and the AGM (one vote per family), and may serve on the Branch committee. Adults with Down Syndrome (i.e. over 18) may also take out individual full membership.
All Branch members (full and associate) automatically become members of the DSI national organisation which is a high profile advocate for persons with intellectual disabilities. In addition to receiving the quarterly magazine, members have access to the resources of the national organisation. These include access to medical and educational expertise, as well as access to the DSI information centre which provides information on areas such as Health, Early Development, Education, Speech & Language Therapy, Counselling, Research, etc . The national organisation also organises regular seminars on topics such as parenting, education, health topics, etc.
The Branch organises a range of beneficial and fun activities for members of all ages. These include one-to-one swimming coaching, music therapy, cookery courses, chillax (a youth club for young adults), cycling lessons, dance, training and participation in website management, and many other activities.
The Branch is a valuable social outlet and a forum for people with Down syndrome and their families, where they can meet to discuss common interests, or just to relax and have fun. The Branch organises an annual summer outing for younger members and their families, a Christmas night out for adult members , and a huge Christmas party for the whole family. The branch also has parent-link volunteers who are available to assist and advise new parents of babies with Down syndrome.
We are building up a substantial collection of books and other educational resources which are available to members to borrow. Please phone the office to get a list.
Adult Literacy:
The branch hosts the latch-on adult literacy course.
Member Funding Scheme:
Branch provides financial support to members or their families to help make services and activities, which directly benefit or enhance the lives of our members with Down Syndrome, more affordable. These include provision of speech therapy or other services where a clinical need has been identified, or partial funding for educational courses, swimming lessons, and other activities. A copy of the current funding scheme rules & conditions can be downloaded here , and the application form for funding can be downloaded here . Note: This funding scheme is only available to paid up Waterford Branch members with Down Syndrome.