The first long spin of the official TdeM’12 training season takes place on Sat. April 21st, starting at Ballyseedy Garden Centre, Carrigtwohill at 10am (sharpish):
It will coincide with the annual Partnership Announcement when the beneficiary of the Tour is officially publicised.
This will take place at a photo-call which will be attended by members of all six Munster DSI branches. Special guests are expected to include some Munster Rugby players.
To make life even more interesting the April 21 spin will also coincide with a BBQ fundraiser at Ballyseedy Home & Garden Centre.
The BBQ is being financed wholly by Ballyseedy and monies from all sales at the BBQ will go to our TdeM’12 DSI fund. DSI Branches will therefore be doing their utmost to ensure good footfall and it should be a great occasion for branch members and TdeM cyclists to meet each other.
Hope to see as many Branch members as possible turn up on the day to represent our Branch.