We are a support group for people with Down syndrome and their families. The Waterford Branch is an affiliated Branch of Down Syndrome Ireland, the biggest single group concerning the welfare of people with a learning disability in Ireland.
The Waterford Branch has members in City & County Waterford and South Kilkenny. Our Branch is run on a completely voluntary basis by parents and siblings of people with Down syndrome. Our Committee is elected each year at our AGM. This committee meets regularly (about once a month). We hold Branch meetings about 6 or 7 times a year with speakers on topics of interest to our members. We subscribe to the national Organisation Mission Statement and are governed by the Memorandum and Articles of same.
The Waterford Branch of Down Syndrome Ireland is wholly funded by our own fundraising activities and donations – with the exception of generous grant aid from the Waterford Youth Committee and Waterford City Childcare Committee for which we are grateful
Contact us
The branch office, or any committee member may be contacted by email by completing the form below. We can also be contacted by phone or text at 087 6057069. Our office is normally staffed on Tuesdays, as well as Wednesday, Thursday, and
Welcome to our achievers page where we will now and in the future share the accomplishments of our members with you. Here you will get to see that although our members have a disability it has in no way stopped them from doing what they love to do.
Latch On Literacy Programme
Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI) in collaboration with the University of Queensland (UQ) has rolled-out an adult literacy programme nationwide through our branch network over the next two years. DSI has been awarded a national licence to exclusively offer Latch-On in Ireland. The Waterford Branch of DSI is proud to be able to offer this programme to our members